Can Money Really Grow on Trees? In the DRIP Garden it can!

Published in
9 min readJan 18, 2022


DRIP Garden Crypto Guide
DRIP Garden

What is the DRIP Garden — Show me the money!

The DRIP Garden is a 3% daily passive income platform part of the DRIP Animal.Farm ecosystem. The drip garden is proving to be very profitable for me and is a very popular way to quickly build up your DRIP/BUSD LP. The DRIP Garden will continue even with the Animal Farm launch, and beyond; the Dev team are very clear on this. The Garden will prove to be an important part of the entire DRIP ecosystem. Towards the end of this article I will show you how you can use the drip garden to enter the animal farm risk free!

Important — Once you buy your plants your initial deposit amount is locked — you cannot get this back. Instead you earn 3% per day in DRIP/BUSD LP and you can recoup your investment by compounding and harvesting profits.

The drip garden is quite different from other platforms, and like everything within the DRIP platform it has been built with sustainability in mind. The contract ensures that the cost of entry for new investors is always reducing, this is a major benefit of this platform vs others. Historically miners would pay out initially and then the returns would drop until the contract emptied. The below graphic shows you how the DRIP Garden is different:-

Drip garden beginner guide

The red line represents the traditional miner. The green line shows increasing benefits over time for new capital entering the Drip Garden.

The Drip Garden works by staked plants creating new ‘seed’ as time passes. Each plant makes 86,400 seeds per day. Once you have generated 2,592,000 seeds you will see that you have generated enough to plant 1 new plant! So when we plant / compound available seed these plants get added to our plants on deposit therefore increasing the amount of seed we now generate. Over time, you will rapidly generate more and more plants increasing your daily pay out.

When you are planting / compounding, you need to try and wait so that you have ‘whole’ number plants available. For example, if you had 3,500,000 seeds available to plant since each plant requires 2,592,000 seeds, the Garden would only show you had 1 plant available! If you planted at this point you would lose your additional seed value that was counting towards your second plant. A very handy website to ensure you do not waste any seed can be found at:-

DRIP Garden — What does 3% per day look like?

To give you a very quick example of how powerful 3% per day is, consider this. If today you invested $500 in the DRIP Garden, you would end up with around 17 DRIP/BUSD LP. With that LP you would get approximately 45 plants — plants are pretty cheap right now so a great time to invest.

In 30 days from now after compounding (i.e. “planting”) daily, you would have approximately 110 plants, worth at current prices $1100, which would also be generating you a daily passive income via growing seeds. So basically you have more than doubled your investment in 30 days! In just 90 days you now have 643 plants worth (at today’s price) an eye watering $6430.

The key to being successful with the garden is to compound more than you take profit — you do this in order to keep ahead of any plant price depreciation.

My personal investment started with less than $500 worth of plants at the start of December. Today (Feb 23rd) I have plants worth $11000 and I am generating $380 per day daily income from the drip garden! If DRIP/BUSD LP remains what is is today, in 30 days time I will be earning $750 per day in LP.

Oct 2022 Update — Despite a 95% drop in DRIP price my garden is still generating over $500 per day. You can imagine how much this will be once DRIP price recovers!!

A good daily compounding calculator to play around with yourself can be found at:-

DRIP Garden Beginner Guide

Step 1

The DRIP garden plants are purchased using DRIP/BUSD Liquidy Pair. Don’t worry, this process is pain free thanks to the “DRIP Liberation Contract”. This is a native DEX that will allow you to convert BUSD, BNB, CAKE and other tokens into the LP that you can then use to buy the plants — example below.

My referral link will take you directly to the where you will find the drip liberation page and the DRIP garden, I would be very grateful if your going to invest if you would use my referral link, it won’t cost you anything but I will earn a small amount of plants in return:-

drip garden crypto

After connecting your wallet (if you do not get the metamask popup asking for confirmation, refresh the page and it will connect) you can then convert your native token from BUSD, BNB or others into the DRIP LP pairing that you will then use to purchase your plants:-

DRIP Garden Beginner Guide

Choose your token of choice that you wish to use for the LP pair, in my example I have used BNB:-

animal farm drip garden guide

Next click the “Supply” button, it will show you how many DRIP BUSD LP tokens you will get:-

drip garden getting started

Select the “Confirm Supply” button. This will enable DRIP/BUSD LP token and you should see Cake LP in your wallet. It will prompt you to add the “Cake LP” token contract to meta-mask — this is completely optional.

Once you have this Cake LP (DRIP BUSD LP) you are ready to go into the DRIP Garden and buy plants.

Step 2 — Buying your Plants in the DRIP Garden

From the menu, navigate to the ‘Drip Garden’. Before you can purchase any plants, you need to select the “enable drip busd” button. Now you can purchase your plants!

You will see an input box where it will allow you to specify how many plants you wish to purchase, just select the “MAX” option and it will show you how many plants you can purchase for your DRIP/BUSD LP. When you are ready select the “Buy Plants” button. Sometimes it takes up to 60 seconds before it will show you plants available to buy.

Congratulations you are now growing plants and earning 3% per day it is that easy!

DRIP Garden Guide

Once you have purchased your plants, you will see a yellow timer indicating how long is left before you have the ability to harvest or compound your seeds into new plants, in my example I already have 5 plants ready to either plant or harvest (remember planting is compounding, harvesting is taking profit):-

drip garden getting started

To go back to the example we used at the very start, if you have 643 plants after 90 days of compounding, that equates to approximately 20 new plants every day or $200 per day. Not bad for an initial investment of only $500! The more plants you have, the faster you will generate the seed in order to grow new plants!

What is the Garden ‘Fertilizers Bonus’ ?

Good question, I am glad you asked. It is basically time + balance = total. You divide the total by 100 to get your interest rate. So it’s not quite 3% a day to start out with, but the longer you’re in and the more you compound you’re rewarded with a higher time multiplier about .01%, or more, a day depending if you harvest or not. This gives early adopters an advantage and the potential to eventually make more than 3%. On the flip side, if you were to sell your seed every day instead compounding, then your multiplier will drop and so will your returns!

The Drip Garden heavily encourages compounding your daily seed gains into accumulating more plants, which makes yet more seed. The game theory here is to get as many plants as possible which in time will provide you with some seriously nice daily passive income! My strategy is to plant daily until I build up to around 1000 plants, I can then withdraw my initial investment and everything else is just pure daily profit.

A really nice useful app for managing your DRIP Garden can be found at:-

There is no need to connect your wallet, you just enter your wallet address and the app will tell you time to next plant, quantity of plants available to plant etc. Thanks to @LukeCharters he developed this!

Animal Farm Profit Strategy

Another passive income strategy you now have thanks to your drip garden, is to harvest your plants and place that DRIP BUSD LP into the Animal Farm DRIP/BUSD staking farm. When you do this you will grow pigs at a current APR of 157.99%. Pigs and dogs are the farms native tokens.

drip garden beginner guide

Once you grow pigs you have another option of placing these pigs into the pig pen to earn BUSD — with this BUSD you could buy more plants by pairing this BUSD with DRIP via the drip liberation page (or you could just take the profit of course!)

drip garden help

Another option you have is to take the BUSD that you earned from the pig pen and place that into the BUSD single staking pool to earn dogs at a current APR of 352%. Like I mentioned dogs are one of the native farm tokens which are also deflationary!

drip garden crypto how to

Once you are farming dogs, you could also pair your dogs with BUSD to earn even more pigs!

drip garden beginner guide

The possibilities to earn from this farm are almost endless! The DRIP garden is going to have a big role to play in this ecosystem, my advice is to buy in now while the plant price is such great value and you can then use these profits to get yourself into the animal farm risk free.

If you are thinking about joining the Animal Farm please do use my referral link if possible, it won’t cost you anything but I will receive a small amount of plants or dogs depending on your investment!

I also have a easy step by step beginner guide to the animal farm here:-

Thanks for reading, I hope you found this useful. I have also created some other beginner friendly guides that you might be interested in checking out:-

If you are signing up to a DRIP team please consider joining my team by using my buddy ID. I fully support all my team members so we all succeed together


If anyone is looking for high performance pancakeswap trading bots I can highly recommend — making some nice daily passive income using this bot — check it out.

I am part of the Cryptozoa DRIP team — around 11k members. We are a global community of DRIP enthusiasts who are very welcoming and a helpful bunch. We converse on our own private Telegram group where we share DRIP tips, strategies, breaking news, and more. If you have any queries you can reach me on Telegram @anoble66



IT Professional | Crypto Investor | Crypto Miner | Technology Enthusiast