DRIP Stability

Published in
2 min readNov 16, 2021



The amazing properties of the token $DRIP.

Today’s bear market is a good example (16 November 2021).

TradingView’s personal list

This is a screenshot of my TradingView’s follow list, all red, but I’m not worried about it, even if it’s falling, because the market follows $BTC.

But, to my surprise was when I checked DRIP’s price:

Drip network

— And more important than that, the ratio BNB-DRIP is extremely stable.

Mongodb DRIP chart

That’s incredible! Think about it, DRIP give us a 1% daily return of our investment, as I explained on «My 3 projects to be millionaire», and not only that, it’s an amazing project; with great stability that we see today in an extremely bear market where Bitcoin drops 5%, but DRIP maintains his $21.

How to Start on DRIP

  1. Go to https://drip.community/fountain and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  2. Enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding the Cryptozoa team member address for your buddy: 0xde264A9819A596B33059923570aE91DD306827d9
  3. Deposit at least 1 DRIP (Ensure you have enough BNB to pay for the gas fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily!

My personal Telegramhttp://t.me/MyCryptoFan & The Cryptozoa Telegramhttps://t.me/joinchat/PbTulqLoCmAzZmQx

DRIP Lightpaperhttps://www.docdroid.net/0i3RJTu/drip-lightpaper-pdf

DRIP CONTRACT LINKhttps://bscscan.com/token/0x20f663cea80face82acdfa3aae6862d246ce0333

Buy bR34P: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0xa86d305a36cdb815af991834b46ad3d7fbb38523

NOTE: The amount compounded goes into your Deposits, 90% which are locked, and not withdrawable. The remaining 10% goes to the Tax Vault. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount which is claimable on a 24 hr basis.

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In the way to achieve financial freedom via cryptocurrencies. I try to write. Consiguiendo libertad financiera gracias a las criptomonedas. Intento escribir.