How I Retired with a 6 figure income in 30 days

Patrick Cryptozoa
Published in
6 min readOct 15, 2021


DRIP — This is the Way!

PC: Youtube

On July 1, 2021 I made my first $1,000 investment in DRIP. I bought 171 DRIP. A couple weeks later I spent $9,000, and bought 759 more DRIP, for a total of 930 DRIP.

On July 31st, I was making the equivalent of a 6 figure salary from DRIP, the price ballooning to $31.91, my $10k investment now $29,676.30.

I had 68 Directs Referrals, and 194 Total Referrals. I was averaging 15.67 DRIP Available per day. About $500 per day, $15,000 per month, $180k per year.

And Team Cryptozoa started to grow organically.


Today, I have 78 Direct Referrals, and 1,628 Total Referrals. 32.5 DRIP is Available to me every day, and at today’s price of $18, that works out to $585/day, $17,550 per month $210,600 per year. Half of what I make I give back to the team. Seems fair: their deposits and hydrations help me, and I Airdrop half back as a token of appreciation.

So, really, it’s $105,300 per year.

Every moment Rewards flow into my Deposits from my Downline (DL), increasing what’s Available, every single day. Every month, as long as the price stays stable, I make more and more — Now, not in some vague future time with other cryptos. DRIP in my wallet convertible to USDC, then USD straight to the bank.

The 3 Use Cases of DRIP

  1. The first Use Case is as a Certificate of Deposit-like 365% APY. Give me $100, and it goes into the DRIP Tax Vault. In exchange they hand you back $1 per day for the next 365 days. At the end of a year you wind up with 3.65 times what you put in.

    Alternatively, instead of taking the $1 per day, you recompound that $1 daily to generate 3,678% gains (pre-tax).
  2. The Second Use Case is the Referral system. Refer a person to DRIP, and you get a percentage of every Deposit and Hydration they make for the life of their DRIP participation. This goes down to 15 levels in your Downline (DL).

    Not only that, you also get a portion of the Deposits and Hydrations of whoever they sign up. So on, and so forth down to the 15th level, as long as you have the required amount of BR34P token for each level down.

    This is what enables one to stop Hydrating, and simply Claim for Airdrops, or to just put in your pocket.
  3. The third Use Case is Speculation, or the possibility that the price goes up. The first 2 Use Cases contribute to the 3rd: Price Action.

Of course, this does not include the upcoming Use Cases of the Manor Farm, The DRIP-BUSD Mine, the Casino powered by DRIP, the NFT Strategy Game, or the Focus Visual Social Media Influencer monetization.

These 3 are the bedrock Use Cases of the DRIP system itself.

The 3 Use Cases allow one to retire early

Having Referrals adding Rewards to your Deposits frees DRIP capitol to then be Claimed to flow into your pocket on a daily, weekly, or whatever schedule you desire.

This allows one to decouple daily Hydrations/compounding from the system as the Referrals Depositing or Hydrating replaces your Hydrations. With enough Referrals, you can stop Hydrating.

The Price Action is affected positively by the other 2 Use Cases, as the Certificate of Deposit-like 365–3678% returns, and the Referral system make it attractive to investors, who then buy DRIP, driving the price trajectory up.

The 3 Use Cases function synchronistically to enable one to retire early.

The Keystone

The one big variable is your ability to generate a Downline (DL). You have to find a way to be able to get in front of the eyeballs most receptive to DRIP.

Identify your Ideal Referrer:

  • Already into Crypto
  • Not risk averse
  • Already has BNB, and is used to navigating Binance Smart Chain (BSC)
  • Has dipped their toes into the various Farms and Miners that offer a similar percentage yield.
  • Perhaps a bit disillusioned from trying to make a profit working those Farms and Miners, and is looking for something more stable, yet lucrative.

This was me July 1st.

Made money diving deep into Degen crypto farming. I had a workable, and profitable strategy scalping the openings of farms, farming the native for up 15 minutes, then getting out. It was hair-raising, but profitable as long as I didn’t get rugged.

Towards the end I was getting rugged left and right.

I then heard these guys in my Degen farming TG mention DRIP, and how they signed under this guy named Stunna Breezy, is when I took my first look.

After I did some due diligence on Forex Shark, his former project, and then took another deeper dive into the DRIP system itself, I took an educated leap and invested $1k. Which then turned into $10k. With the price action and early hydrations, my initial Deposit bloomed to $57k.

Every 2 weeks I Airdrop 50% to my first level Directs, my Team Leaders and Team Leaders with over 15 referrals. I also have a team of Admins, Gatekeepers, Editors, A Technical Editor, and also reward the top TG participants.

It actually feels good doing Airdrops, almost like tithing, giving back to the community that enables me. I also place my referrals IDs on my articles, helping them grow their DLs. And, since I admire hustle, I give extra attention to those that try to actively grow their DLs. I encourage article marketing, and as a former top SEO Strategist to Fortune 100 firms I also know some SEO tricks unavailable to other groups.

It’s no accident Cryptozoa is the fastest growing group in DRIP. It was designed to be that way. Born and bred, corn fed to be that way.

This is the Way.

What is DRIP?

DRIP is a project that is able to provide passive income through smart contracts in Defi. It was created on the Binance Smart Chain, and the DRIP Token can be bought with BEP20 BNB.

The bedrock of DRIP is the feature of paying 1% on your investment per day. You can either pull that amount out and receive your 1% return of the DRIP token per day, or you can “Hydrate” or recompound your earnings and compound the 1% against the new amount. By Hydrating you start to see the 3678% APYs by the end of the year (fees excluded for simplicity).

Come to, check out the DRIP passive investment, and join the Cryptozoa Team!

How to Start

  1. Go to, and exchange BNB for DRIP.
  2. Go to the Faucet, and enter a Buddy address in the Referral section. Consider adding the Cryptozoa team member Tom’s address for your Buddy: 0xfa52b0940b73f97167ea8b9797b3166a1a52448a
  3. Deposit at least 1.12 DRIP (Ensure you have 0.05–0.1 BNB for transaction fees.)

You’re setup on DRIP. Get ready to receive 1% daily! But, do come back regularly to hit that hydrate/recompound button!

Cryptozoa Telegram

DRIP Lightpaper


Buy BR34P:

NOTE: The amount Deposited is not withdrawable. In exchange you receive 1% of that staked amount on a 24 hr basis for the next 365 days, which can be rehydrated/compounded, or claimed.

The Manor Farm


The Manor White Paper,_Farm_Mechanics_+_Miner02.pdf

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Nothing in this article is intended to constitute investment advice. Neither the author nor the publication takes any responsibility or liability for any investments, profits or losses you may incur as a result of this information. Readers are encouraged to perform their own due diligence and research, or consult a licensed financial advisor or broker before making any and all investment decisions. This content is intended for general informational and educational purposes only. Though the author strives for accuracy, the data contained within the article cannot be relied upon. The author may own cryptocurrencies and tokens discussed in the article. The article may contain affiliate links.

